Katalog og kritikker fra Open Show søndag 15. september

Resultat og bilder fra Open Show

Katalog Open Show 2024

Kritikk for deltakende hunder (hundene står i katalogisk rekkefølge):


Hanner 4-6 mnd.

1. Necesse’s Gladius, f. 11.05.24

4 months old, typical male, nice head, dark eyes, good bite, nice ears, long neck and good topline. Straight on the legs front and rear, good feet, nice angulations. Moves very well for his age.

Plassering – nr. 1 i klassen, HP, BIS3 valp

Hanner 6-9 mnd.

2. Viego Prince Jr. Sense of Beauty, f. 15.02.24

7 months old very happy youngster. Lovely head, nice expression, good bite eyes and ears. Lovely outline, nice long neck going into nice topline. Good deep chest for his age, well angulagtion front and rear. Very good feet. Good bones, and good mover coming and going. Good coat.

Plassering – nr. 1 i klassen, HP, BIS valp

Tisper 6-9 mnd.

3. Anniehoods RR Corniche, f. 19.01.24

8 months old lovely girl with good outline, beautiful head, dark eyes, good ears, good arch, good topline. Angulation needs to drop down a bit. Nice bone, very good feet. Good angualtions. Really great mover for her age. Very well presented. Very sound and good coat. Great temperament.

Plassering – nr. 1 i klassen, HP, BIS2 valp


Hanner 15-24 mnd.

4. Anniehoods Once Upon a Time, f. 10.11.22

Almost 2 years, typical happy youngster, nice head, dark eyes, neck long enough, a bit flat topline. The chest could be deeper, medium angulations front and rear. Very good feet and coat. Very good temperament and movement. A bit loose in front. Good handled.

Plassering – nr. 1 i klassen, HP, BH5.

Hanner 2-3 år

5. NO SE DK UCH NJubCh NORDV-23 NV-23-24 OSLV-24 Endearing Sebastian v.d. Flevomare, f. 14.12.21

2.5 year, light brindel, good coat. Very typical, good size, nice head good expression. Dark eyes, small ears. Neck could be a bit longer. Good topline, deep chest, good angulation front and rear. Good feet, good tailset well carried. Very nice mover sidewise and coming and going. Very good temperament.

Plassering – nr. 1 i klassen, HP, BH1 og BIS2

6. NO UCH St Finnian Dominic, f. 07.02.22

2.5 years, good size male, heavy head, good bite, dark eyes, very good ears, needs more grooming to make the head typical. Nice topline, nice underline. A little bit deep in front. Good ang behind. Good coat, good temperament. Good dark pigment. Typical movement coming and going. Could have better tail carriage

Plassering – nr. 2 i klassen, HP, nr. 3 i klassen, BH3

7. NO UCH SE UCH Pocahontasgårdens Werdi, f. 15.04.22

Ikke møtt.

8. Troon Rebell Yell Necesse Est, f. 08.07.22

Ikke møtt.

Hanner 3-5 år

9. NO SE DK UCH NJV-21 KBHV-22 Necesse´s Falke Fortunatus f. 23.09.20

Nice typical happy dog. Nice head, good bite, dark eyes, neck long enough. Good topline, deep and broad chest. Good feet. Vel angulations in the rear. Good coat but, could be presented in better show conditon. Good mover. A little bit close behind in movement.

Plassering – nr. 1 i klassen, HP, BH2, BIS3

10. Angus Valentine, f. 14.2.21

Very tall 3.5 years male. Long nose and needs grooming to soften expression. Round
eyes, small ears. Very long neck. Good topline, chest could be deeper and wider.
Needs more angulations in front, ok in rear. To straight in front. Good feet. Very well
presented. Good side movement but close behind. He is limping in front.

Plassering – nr. 2 i klassen

Hanner 7-9 år veteran

11. NO UCH Greyfriar Atlas, f. 10.08.17

7 years old strong male. Very maskulin head, good bite, nice ears, neck long enough, good top and underline, normal ang front and rear, feet could be a bit better, good tailset, strong bone, movement could be more entusiastic. A bit loose in pastern.

Plassering – nr. 1 i klassen, HP, BH4 og BIS veteran

Tisper 15-24 mnd.

12. Greyfriar Comtesse, f. 16.01.23

20 months, very nice typical bitch. Good head and exp. Good bite, good pigment, very
good ears, nice arch neck going in to a very good topline. Very well angulations in front and rear. Good tailset, a bit curly. Very nice side movement, coming and going, a bit loose in front. Nice temperment and good coat.

Plassering – nr. 1 i klassen, HP

Tisper 2-3 år

13. NO SE DK UCH C.I.B.-J DKJV-22 Islay’s Thistle f. 15.10.21

2 years nice fem bitch of good size and good bones. Nice head with dark eyes. Ears could be smaller, neck a bit longer. Nice forechest, good ribcage. A bit straight in shoulder and upperarm. Good ang behind. Good tail good coat. Moves ok, a little close behind.

Plassering – nr. 4 i klassen, HP

14. NO UCH NV 23-24 Endearing Lois v.d. Flevomare, f. 14.12.21

2.5 years very beautyful feminin bitch of good size. Very nice head and exp, dark eyes good ears. Good bite. Nice long neck going into good topline. Nice deep chest, good forchest. Vel angulation front and rear. Good tail well set and carried. Good feet. Very good movement from all side. Vell presented.

Plassering – nr. 1 i klassen, HP, BT1 og BIS1

15. NO UCH Njr Ch St Finnian Dava, f. 07.02.22

Very nice tall femin bitch. Nice head, good exp. Good pigment, good ears. Long neck, good top and underline. A bit straight in shoulder and upperarm. Wide in front. Very good sidemovement, coming and going a little wide.

Plassering – nr. 3 i klassen, HP

16. Crathlint Isolda Ivona, f. 20.07.22

2 years nice feminin bitch. Good head, nice expr. Dark eyes, good ears, good bite. Nice long neck going into a very nice topline. Medium angulation in front, well in rear. Good coat. Good tailset and carrige. Ribcage could be deeper and wider. She is stubborn but I can see that she has good movement.

Plassering – nr. 2 i klassen, HP, BTK3, BIS5

Tisper 3-5 år

17. C.I.B. N DK UCH NJUBV-23 Chratlint Gwenhwyfar Glyn, f. 28.11.20

3.5 years very nice typical fem bitch of good size. Nice outline, good coat. Nice head, good bite, eyes and very well set ears. Long neck into a good topline. Good deep chest and forchest. A little straight in shoulder, well ang i front. Good tailset and carriage. Nice

Plassering – nr. 1 i klassen, HP, BTK4

18. Lawtons Hermine Hayes, f. 01.06.21

3 years femin bitch, very dark. Nice head, good pigmentation, good bite, nice long neck going into a bit flat topline. Straight in shoulder and uperarm medium ang behind. Feet could be better. Out of coat today. Good tailset and carrige.

Plassering – nr. 2 i klassen, HP

19. Islay´s Raven, f. 22.07.20

4 years old, tall but femin bitch, nice head and good bite, eyes and expr. Long neck, very good forchest, flat topline. Straight in shoulder and uperarm. Good ang behind. Feet could be better. Moves with happy steps. Lovely temperament.

Plassering – nr. 3 i klassen, HP

20. NO SE UCH NJV-21 Grayrory´s Kindhearted, f. 11.04.20

Ikke møtt.

Tisper 5-7 år

21. C.I.B NO SE DK UCH NORDIC UCH NJV-20 DKV-22 Necesse´s Esse Ecce, f. 17.04.19

5 year, very nice feminin bitch. Lovely head, good expr. Dark eyes, good ears, good bite. Neck long enough going over to nice topline. Good tailset. Deep chest, a little straigth in shoulder and upper arm. Good feet. Good temperament. Nice sound movement.

Plassering – nr. 1 i klassen, HP, BTK2, BIS4

22. NO UCH Necesse´s Dux Domina f. 10.04.19

5,5 years very nice fem bitch type. Medium size, beautiful head, good bite, expres. Good neck into a really nice topline. Good crop and tailset. Good forchest, very well ang
behind. Feet could be better and she is turning out a bit. Could have stronger bones.
Moves wide in behind and could needs more drive.

Plassering – nr. 2 i klassen, HP

Tisper 7-9 år veteran

23. NO UCH KBHJV-17 Cream Island´s Lady Celina f. 06.05.16

8.5 years lovely bitch in lovely condition – very nice head, dark eyes good ears. Long enough neck, still holding her topline. Bones could be stronger, straight in upperarm and shoulder. Well ang. behind. She moves very well for her age.

Plassering – nr. 1 i klassen, HP, BTK5, BIS2 veteran